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Receive Text Updates from CGAA Softball

By Brad Strom, 05/19/14, 11:00AM CDT


Get text updates from CGAA Softball on your mobile device

Now you can receive text updates from CGAA Softball and the best part is, you control how much or how little information you get.  You can subscribe to only the updates you want to receive.  Here's how to do it:

  • Text CGSOFTBALL to 84483 to receive general alerts from CGAA Softball. 
  • Text TRAVELING to 84483 to receive Traveling alerts from CGAA Softball.
  • Text CGTBALL to 84483 to receive T-Ball alerts from CGAA Softball.
  • Text CGPITCHBALL to 84483 to receive Pitchball alerts from CGAA Softball.
  • Text CGPEEWEE to 84483 to receive PeeWee alerts from CGAA Softball.
  • Text CGROOKIES to 84483 to receive Rookies alerts from CGAA Softball.
  • Text CGMINORS to 84483 to receive Minors alerts from CGAA Softball.
  • Text CGMAJORS to 84483 to receive Majors alerts from CGAA Softball.

To cancel, simply text STOP to 84483 at any time, you can resubscribe again at any time.

To register your device online, go to our SMS page to register your mobile device.

Our plan for this is quick hitting updates, such as rain outs, cancellations or other items that require immediate notification.  We will still utilize all other forms of communication such as email, Twitter, Facebook and our website to notify members as well, but this is just another piece we've added to be able to communicate with you more efficiently and effectively.